Thursday, October 06, 2005

Loose like bowels after collard greens...

Since my last accident, my right leg has been hurting on pretty much a daily basis. I think it is because I slammed my foot on the brake immediately before the accident, making my muscle tense as the car jerked into the other lane when hit. So I am discussing this theory with boss lady yesterday. She brings up how drunk drivers are never really hurt in accidents because they are so loose and their muscles are so loose. They don't fight the accident. Then she tells me a story about skiing as a child with her father. He would tell her that she had to learn how to fall. She had to learn how to just let go, relax her muscles, and fall freely. That way she wouldn't get hurt.

Riiiiiiight. I guess that would be something higher than boss lady telling me this story, huh. Soooo I feel like I have let go of the cliff and tried to fly. But I am still clinching my muscles, still fight the downward plunge, still not free falling. I feel like that is why this descent hurts so much. That is why it feels so difficult. So now that I have let go, I have to figure out how to relax into the fall. Otherwise, I will be looking for a reference for a good spiritual chiropractor...


Blogger Phoenix said...

yes. and you are your own fantastic spiritual chiropractor. you know exactly what you need. congratulations on falling, flying, transcending and letting go...

2:56 PM  

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