Friday, September 23, 2005


I went to court for my accident yesterday. I was stressin cuz it would be additional points on my license, the judge could use her discretion to suspend my license based on my accident history, and the fine would be an additional charge to my already severely strained budget. Well, the lady I was in the accident with did not have her license on her the day of the accident so she was ticketed. She brought her license to the court and they dismissed her ticket. Then they called me up and asked her if she wanted to pursue any charges against me. She said no. So they dismissed my ticket as well! No fine, no paperwork, no points on my license, nothing! Yippee!!!!! Talk about happy! I went into the courtroom hoping to get my charge reduced so no points would be on my license, but expecting to still have to pay a fine. Wow! I was really happy. I am really happy! This is like the best news I have gotten in a long time. It felt really good and really liberating. Want to know the craziest part? When we were walking out of the courtroom, the girl I was in the accident with told me she lives in my apartment complex. What? I was shocked! It is not that big of a complex and I mostly only see gay white men. She is a natty Black girl. Our accident was in L5P. Both of us looked more L5P that midtown/buckhead. Freaky, huh...


Thugged Out Tuesday is back and in full effect at Atlanta Live. I went with poo, Keisha, Mimie, and like half of GSU. It was great. The venue is open and beautiful. The crowd was like 60/40 boys/girls-bois. The DJ was ok, but it was still cool. On the way over we listened to MIA. She has a song over a classic Traxx track (the sanford and son " you big dummy" mix). To say I like her is an understatement. I think I want to have her babies!!! She's from London by way of Sri Lanka. She's wonderlous! I am going to get the song just so I can put it on my blog (right after I figure out how).

OK, cramps are easing up so I guess I should get some work done.

(still tryin to stretch my adult wings)...


Blogger Gradly said...

Cramps suck ass.

Going to court sucks more ass.

Congrats on them not taking away your license.

12:03 PM  
Blogger GeminiMoonPoet said...

I was spammed! YaY! It makes me feel important!!!

11:21 AM  
Blogger FindingMie said...

See? You said you wanted spam, and voila! Big ole'fried spam sandwich!
Whoohoo! for spam, for court miracles, for thugged out tuesdays, and for letting gooooo!!!

3:16 PM  

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