Monday, August 29, 2005

Good Weekend

As I sit at my desk eyeing the curriculum outline that covers my twenty-item to-do list, I am wishing it were still Saturday. I sat on my ass for most of this weekend. It was sooooo good. I did my hair, cooked for myself, I even worked out! On top of all the fabulous things I did with myself, I also spent some much needed quality time with Mie on Friday. We ate expensive cake at intermezzo and laughed under the stars. Friendship, when done properly, can be truly magical. I like magic.

In recent soul searching, I have discovered that one reason I have a hard time remaining present in my friendships is my ego. I have the need to be central in my friends' lives, in a way that is very Leo (though I don't think Leo is on my chart at all). Often, I will have one or two friends that are super duper close to me, while not fostering other relationships or associate-ships. I blame my ego cuz I don't like to compete for people's time or affection. I like to have my own special place in their life that is not in competition with anyone else. I want to begin working on this. I want to develop relationships outside of my ego with all the fabulous folks I have in my phone book. Well, maybe not all the folks in the phone book. Talk about dealing with my ego...

This weekend also provided me with the opportunity to hang out with my poo and her 14-year-old sister. We went for late night sushi on Saturday at RuSan's and to Ria's on Sunday for brunch. I am always nervous when I am around the little one cuz she is such a big part of Nde's life. I also don't want to do anything that might scar the child for life. Needless to say I am hella nervous whenever the young one says, "Tell Jocelyn to come." She's a cool kid though. Brilliant and intuitive like her big sis. I often wonder if we will ever get past the awkward, "you represent the fact that my sister is a big ole gay” phase.

Now I am sitting at Job #2 looking at a 4 bullet to do list thinking about next Saturday.


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