Wednesday, June 29, 2005

How do I make every morning "Sunday Morning"?

Sunday Morning

Light hits my window and I am waiting/ I stand naked with wanting flesh waiting to catch it/ my all night love sessions with Moon-woman leave me ripe and open/ worlds pouring from my flesh/ nations rising from my womb/ I stand naked but not vulnerable/ I await my fight/ under the bright beams of Sun I will war against evil until I find my divinity/ I will bleed until I lay sunken and pale on the battlefield my children will build/ I will die and be reborn anew, watching generations lay down and rise between my toes/ I will live as a might oak, a butterfly, a single drop of water, a single beam of light, a warrior woman-big bellied and brown skinned/ I will live in the bright sun until I shine golden and brilliant/ until I rise into the sky, becoming one with time and space and life and love and all that is and was and will be.../ Light hits my window and I am waiting/ in peace/ not afraid


I wrote this on an interesting day in my life. I felt in touch with my spirit as a part of the greater spirit that is in all of us. I felt like a mother. I felt divinity moving inside of me. I felt something greater than myself moving around me, linking me to all that "is and was and will be." It was the first day of period, and the first day I was not afraid to be divine.

Today, I feel dry and swollen. I feel rough and sick. I am bloated with the shit that I have fed on for the past few years of self-destruction. I feel overwhelmed with the idea of flushing myself out. I realize that I want to get back to the place I was the day that poem was written. I want to live in the space I was in that day that poem was written. I do not think I can live there as long as I am swollen with the same old shit. So I must cleanse. Moving is a big step, but it is definitely not the biggest. What is truly the next step? Do I push for spiritual cleansing through fasting, prayer, and meditation? Do I push away the physical representations of my old shit: furniture, clothes, people, etc.? Do I just chill for a minute while I move my residence and then decide the next step? Do I do all of it? I guess the answer will come to me.


Blogger Alison said...

Wow look at your words- all poetic and everything....

6:19 PM  
Blogger a black girl said...

damn "the first day I was not afraid to be divine."

Your words are beautiful.

Sounds like that ol' afraid of our light shit again. How do black women get this way? Do people sell soul enemas?

I know you will rise above all of that. You're fab like that. Sounds trite as hell I know but light has to show whether we let it or not.

9:41 PM  

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