Friday, July 08, 2005


OK. It flooded in Atl Wednesday night. I turned onto a dark street and within 30 seconds, almost half my car was under water. I waited no more than 8 to 10 minutes for my girlfriend to get to me and we pushed the car to higher ground. When I was out of the car, the water was just above my knees (I was really scared). OK. So we left the car for a few hours to dry out, because at this point it would not start. When we came back, the car still would not start. So we left the car over night, thinking it would start in the morning. It didn't. And, someone had broken the passenger's window and stolen stuff from my car. All of this is happening 2 days before I have to be out of my apartment. Great! Now, my insurance company is worried that the car may be totaled due to the water damage. I love my car. This sucks! I have nothing eloquent or deep to say. I am just pissed and sad and confused. The only thing that has kept me going is that I am loved by my friends (who dance and sing for me in front of red lobster) and that I have a poo face who is on my team 150% for emotional, spiritual, and financial support. I don't think I could make it through this time alone. It's just too damn hard.


Blogger Alison said...

oh damn. wish i could say something remotely encouraging but i really can't think of anything. Rainy days pass? It'll get better? Naw. I think shit damn muthafucka say it better...


4:20 PM  

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