Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My Neck, My Back..

...My elbow and my knee: areas of discomfort right now. I'm still feelin kinda wierd after the accident, but I don't have time in my day to go to the chiropractor. Soooo, I haven't been back. I may have to break down and go like two more times, cuz I have regular pain (like on the daily) in the same areas.

"I can dress up like a slave if you want me to. "
I did a show at a local big bookstore chain last Saturday morning. There were 3 other performers there. One was a black lady who was a story-teller. I overheard her talking to a white teacher about the different stories she offered related to Black History Month. I wasn't really all in her convo until I heard her say "I can dress up like a slave if you want me to." Fa real! Dress up like a slave. I mean, that is some serious shit homie! I had visions of Bamboozled and "niggas is a beautiful thang." I knew what she would do, dress up like Aunt Jermima and tell Brer Rabbit stories. TOoo much homie! Toooooooooo much! She said it so casually, too. I can come to your preschool dressed like a slave and tell your little rich white kids how slaves worked a lot, and sang songs by the campfire. Funny how fast she jumped into that roll to help show white folks about some shit they did in the first place!


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